
⚠️Board Exam Break Announcement ⚠️
          	Dear friends,
          	I wanted to take a moment to share an important update with you all. Over the next two months, I will not be able to write or upload any updates as my test series has begun, and it will be followed by my board exams. This is a crucial period for me, and I need to dedicate my full attention and efforts to preparing for these exams.
          	While I’ll deeply miss connecting with all of you and sharing my creative work, I hope you’ll understand the importance of this temporary pause. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, and I kindly ask for your best wishes during this time.
          	Thank you for your patience and understanding. I look forward to returning soon with more energy and inspiration. Until then, I will miss you all dearly!
          	Warm regards,


⚠️Board Exam Break Announcement ⚠️
          Dear friends,
          I wanted to take a moment to share an important update with you all. Over the next two months, I will not be able to write or upload any updates as my test series has begun, and it will be followed by my board exams. This is a crucial period for me, and I need to dedicate my full attention and efforts to preparing for these exams.
          While I’ll deeply miss connecting with all of you and sharing my creative work, I hope you’ll understand the importance of this temporary pause. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, and I kindly ask for your best wishes during this time.
          Thank you for your patience and understanding. I look forward to returning soon with more energy and inspiration. Until then, I will miss you all dearly!
          Warm regards,


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!


Hello, my beautiful readers!
          with my comeback I come with good news.......The next part of A Time Made in Mishap, which will be published on November 20, 2024 
          take care ❤️✨


Hello, my beautiful readers!
            just saw a HUGE typo mistake in the above msg 
            *A Match Made in Mishap*


Hello, my beautiful readers!
          I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve missed you all. After what felt like an eternity, I’m finally back, and it’s such a joy to be reconnecting with this incredible community once again.
          The past few months have been a journey—a challenging yet transformative one. I stepped away because life was overwhelming, and I needed time to heal, reflect, and find my way back to myself. I’m so grateful to share that I’m in a much better place now, and I feel stronger, more inspired, and more ready than ever to dive back into the worlds of creativity that we all love so much.
          Now, I’m excited to tell you that there’s so much to look forward to! New stories, fresh ideas, and maybe even a peek into some personal growth I’ve experienced during this time. I’m ready to pour my heart into writing, painting, and creating again, and I hope you’ll join me on this next chapter of our journey together.
          As I settle back into this space, I’d love to hear how you’ve been, what you’ve been up to, and how my stories have touched you during my absence. Let’s make this a two-way reunion—it’s not just about me coming back; it’s about all of us reconnecting.
          Thank you for waiting, for believing in me, and for holding space for me in your lives. I’m so glad to be home.
          With all my love,
          Sharmeen Fahad


Hi Guys!
          its been quite a while..........since i went on a break.
          I'm still on my break and just wanted to let you guy's know that I'm on Patreon now.
          And ; 
          Thank you for being the amazing community you are. I love you all more than you know, and I can’t wait for the day I return and reconnect with all of you. Until then, please send your prayers and positive vibes my way. I’ll be back as soon as I’m able.
          With all my love,
          Sharmeen Fahad


Hello, my dearest readers! 
          I wish I could come to you with better news, but today, I have something difficult to share. It breaks my heart to say that I’m going to be taking an extended break from everything I love—reading, writing, drawing, sketching, painting, and all the creative outlets that bring me joy. This is not a decision I’ve made lightly, and I know it may come as a surprise, but right now, it's something I need to do.
          The truth is, life has been really challenging lately. I’m facing serious personal struggles—family matters, academic pressures, and both mental and physical health challenges. It's all been weighing on me more than I can describe, and I’ve realized that I need to step away for a while to focus on healing and taking care of myself.
          This isn’t a goodbye forever, but rather a temporary pause to regain my strength and find my way through this difficult time. While I'm gone, I truly hope you’ll continue to show your support by reading my stories, diving into the worlds I've created, and sharing your thoughts in the comments. It would mean the world to me to know that you’re still connecting with my work, even when I’m not here.
          Please, keep me in your  prayers. I need all the positive energy I can get as I navigate this rough patch. I’m hopeful that with time, I’ll come back stronger, more inspired, and ready to pour my heart into my creative passions once again. I will do my best to keep you updated as I move forward, and I promise to let you know how I’m doing when I can.
          For now, please hold me in your hearts and don’t forget to show love in the comments. Your support means more to me than words can express. I hope I don’t end up like poor Freya… 
          Thank you for being the amazing community you are. I love you all more than you know, and I can’t wait for the day I return and reconnect with all of you. Until then, please send your prayers and positive vibes my way. I’ll be back as soon as I’m able.
          With all my love,
          Sharmeen Fahad


hello my lovely readers !! >: 
          Chapter 7 of A Match Made in Mishap was uploaded, how was it ?
          give your reviews in the comment and show your love nd support !!>:
          nd for chapter8 it's in progress......
          and btw i was reviewing my first book Lovestruck nd i was soooooo embarrassed    it had soooo many grammar mistakes and my vocabulary was so terrible . compared to A Match Made in Mishap its very bad . I'm thinking of rewriting it ....
          how does that sound ??
          and how was its ending ?????? 
          please leave you reviews and suggestions in the comments as well as here 
          and stay tuned for further updates and amazing stories 
          take care ❤️✨


@beeha_alt yessssssssss !!!! but i wont re write the ending i'll keep this ending


@ZurSheen it was good that she didn't get involved in that again she learned a lesson from it and others just suffered after her death


hello my lovely readers !! >: 
          Chapter 7 of A Match Made in Mishap currently in progress...been a lil busy yk.. school nd other stuff  (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
          but dw ill be updating you guys and stay tuned for the next chapter..!! 
          take care ❤️✨


hello people !! 
          im backkkkk !! exams are over and my writers block is also gone finally 
          and i'll continue writing ✨
          also updated book covers go check it out !!
          take care !!❤️✨。
          peace ✌
          *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*