
Loki S2 trailer out here reminding me that I love the character in every form. 


So, how many times have you watched today my fellow Loki stans? 


@ZuzuHiddles Welp. Finally watched it. Only once though. Lol. Loved it, of course! Gave me even more reason to work on my fan fiction. Can't wait for the rest of the episodes, to see where they go with it!! Lol. 


@PharrellRaven OH let me know when you have!!! SO many good details, and totally made me need to write again


@ZuzuHiddles I actually have not been able to watch it yet. I started to and had to pause it. I was far too out of it for the "I am Loki, of Asgard!" speech while standing on a rock in the desert......lack of proper sleep does that, I guess. Lol. I will get back to it tonight though!! Lmao.


Due to COVID19, I will not be able to travel as much as I usually do during the summer - I am usually in California, New York or Europe. Because of this, I'll have more time to write/publish! So over the next two months (granted I don't run out of creative juices) I will be writing/publishing the following stories (they are listed in no particular order): 
          • Disillusion Stories (Loki x Sigyn & children)
          • TBA Title ( *NEW* Loki x Sigyn -  not related to "Pure Illusion Series")
          • "Fallen" (Supernatural with OC) 
          • Kastle One-Shots (Frank Caslte x Karen page) 
          • "Hoofbeats* (First mustang herd established in US - think Spirit) 
          Have something you want me to try? Send it to me or comment below! I'd be glad to collaborate with you as well :) Much love!
          ~ Zuzu


@selchies I think you guys will really like this story! It's been a story that is a long time coming!


@ZuzuHiddles can't wait for more logyn content!


I apologize for the nearly YEAR I've been silent - been dealing with some stuff and to be honest, I forgot how much I missed writing until lately. I'm currently in the process of moving in a few months so things are crazy. However, I want to write, as it's a way I let my feelings out and truly feel at peace. 
          Any stories you're excited to see/continue?? Let me know! 
          Thanks for your patience <3 


@PharrellRaven Thank you so, SO much!! I hope you enjoy the series and short stories! The short stories are just fun since I like this version of Loki and Sigyn I wrote, though I have more in the works! :)


@ZuzuHiddles Honestly, any of your Loki stories always have me hooked. Im still working thru your main Loki series. Lol. But your short stories with him are good too. Haven't had a chance to read your other work yet, but I will. You have talent, so I'm sure they will be just as enjoyable!! ^~^ You have a wonderful day, and good luck with your move!!


Endgame... wow. No spoilers here, as promised. If you wish to discuss Endgame, feel free to drop me a private message! As far as when you'll see it in my writing, that will take at least a month. 
          What's your non-spoiler review for Avengers: Endgame?


Whaaattt???!! Two updates to "Disillusion: Pure Illusion Series Shorts" in ONE day?!!! 
          I know right? I'm actually feeling the need to write quite a bit - stress does that to you. We'll get back on track with our other stories.. including a new Loki and Sigyn story that is in the works! Can't wait to share all that and more <3 As always, enjoy! 
          ~ Zuzu


Hi friends! I promise I haven't forgotten you guys or our stories. I'm actually editing a few of the books as we speak (mainly the last one) and finishing up some more shorts for "Disillusion". I have so many plans but I'd love to hear from YOU! What do you hope to see? A storyline you want to see? 
          Also, no spoilers for Avengers: Endgame will be posted in a story until a month from the release (May 26) - so never fear! Drop me a line, comment on a thread, whatever! Just let me know what you want to see. 
          Much love, 
          ~ Zuzu <3


@ZuzuHiddles good for you :) I have to wait a lil longer lol


@Little_Miss_Rocker Woo! I'll see it day 1! But I wouldn't dare spoil it :)


@ZuzuHiddles oh that's good news! I plan on seeing it on May 2. 