Is it wrong for me to think that Father's Day shouldn't much be one? Or just have the name changed? Cause some people I'm real life don't really have a father to look up to or even a male inspiration to even try to look up to for whatever personal reason... so shouldn't there be NO Father's Day? Or just change the name to "Male Inspiration Day" since it's the day where we took inspiration from the male figures that we grew up with, even if they're not our dad? It's kind of hard to relate to people who don't have a father, even when I do but I sometimes feel I don't, due to my parents being divorced and the lack of communication I have with him and the lack of an "zap" that every parent-to-child/children have with my dad.
I don't know, I just wanted to say Happy Male Inspiration Day, to those who have a dad or at least a male figure in their life. Those who never had one, it's okay. Cause there's more than one person who could even completely understand you, like my dad, who didn't have much of a dad, since his dad left for... personal stuff and all he had was a step dad that wasn't good for him..
So sincere for those who are sad or offended of this day.
Have a good day, everyone.