I use to read all your books all the time and I’m proper gutted that I can’t read them now. I would literally pay to read just step away again and this love is ablaze.
Ok.... I badly need good books right now. Like, all my favorite books are gone! Where are your books?! I want to read them again and again! I miss them! Can you please bring them back? Omygoooood pleaseeeee I badly need themmmmm
I wanted to read "This Love is Ablaze" a new time but now it's impossible. I hope you do not have delete your stories for forever. Cause I really like this one!
Oh my glob! I feel you! And Moon Child was deleted (I dunno) and that was my favorite story too!!! Along with I'm On The Other Side!!! Now I won't know what happened to August and Ed!!! And what about Amiele?! And I was rereading Pick Up the Pieces!!! And then poof! No more chapters! Gone!!! Please!!!! _Give_Me_Ed_???! What happened???!
Oh my glob! I feel you! And Moon Child was deleted (I dunno) and that was my favorite story too!!! Along with I'm On The Other Side!!! Now I won't know what happened to August and Ed!!! And what about Amiele?! And I was rereading Pick Up the Pieces!!! And then poof! No more chapters! Gone!!! Please!!!! _Give_Me_Ed_???! What happened???!