@the_SDDC aww baby! Im so sorry listen if you dont feel comfortable socializing you dont have to to be happy, slow your breaths breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and out for 8 seconds and repeat and if that doesn't work name 5 colors you see, 5 things you can smell, 5 objects in the room, 5 things you can feel it should help the breathing but dont listen to her look what I've learned is you gotta find the things that make you happy and go to that, like for me its my fangirl stuff and good music you gotta find what makes you happy and go to it you dont need to socialize to be happy and whatever happens i love you so much and you love are gonna get out of this hell hole and be free one day i will manifest it every day for you and send all my love your way i promise it will get better ❤