
Cuando entienda que volver a caer en el mismo error, una y otra vez,no es bueno, crecere como persona


Tía ISA soy Lucas TT estoy muy cambiado necesito hablar contigo


@ gguks_mimi  holaaaa, sii 


@ gguks_mimi  isa estás?


@ gguks_mimi  escríbeme al priv y hablemos, cuéntame como te ha ido 



@ Yuta_sempai  Hola!!! Gracia por recomendarla, la iré a leer
            Cuando quieras recomendarme más lo puedes hacer y la leeré con gusto ;)


          It must be nice to have people who care about you, those bonds of brotherhood and family that are built over the years, that despite all the problems they may go through remain united, fortunate are the people who have this friendship, at this time it is very difficult to maintain a stable relationship regardless of the type of it, we have become people who only seek our own benefit and knowing that there are people who still care about theirs is quite admirable . People like me continue to search and find this path, we want it to arrive quickly but I think that if it does not arrive it is because the people we know are not the right ones and we must wait for the correct ones to arrive and thus achieve that feeling that, despite that has been lost, we still want to conserve.


Cómo que no estoy en la descripción de tu muro? Hahah te quiero mucho isa❤❤


@softjiminn   OMG!!!!!!!!! YA MISMO TESOROOOOOOOOOOO, MI REINA DEL TODO PODEROSO DE FF!! te quiero Geral❤❤❤ :333