
Hi y’all! Been a hot minute since I’ve been on but how are you guys?? I’m going to college next month and I’m so nervous  but I’m sure I’ll be fine.
          	Thank you guys for reading my Diabetes book! (Even tho I’m never on here updating it) I don’t check here often but when I do I love to read the replies. You guys are so sweet and I’m glad to help some of you!


Hi y’all! Been a hot minute since I’ve been on but how are you guys?? I’m going to college next month and I’m so nervous  but I’m sure I’ll be fine.
          Thank you guys for reading my Diabetes book! (Even tho I’m never on here updating it) I don’t check here often but when I do I love to read the replies. You guys are so sweet and I’m glad to help some of you!


Hi guys.
          It’s been a while, I hope everyone is safe and well. I’m finally a senior this year and it feels weird lol. 
          I’m in clubs at school to help me bring back my inspiration, so maybe I’ll be back writing again? Idk it depends. 
          Thanks guys~ <3


I’m not updating my books anymore except my diabetes one. I don’t find enjoyment in writing anymore and I don’t think I will for a while. I’m so sorry I had to announce this—but...I’m going to stop updating all my books and archive them. I’m happy to have so many readers, and I’m happy to be apart of a huge app. But I’m done. I’m sorry once again, and good bye. <3


Hi guys! 
          Been a minute since I’ve said anything, but here I am! 
          Online school started for me and I’ve been up to my neck in homework and meetings. Thus why I haven’t updated anything. I only come on here when I need to read something to take my mind off work. I also heard that Wattpad got hacked and many users info got leaked so I’ve been hesitant to post. 
          I just wanted to check in, how are you guys? I know not many people follow me but I would love to hear what’s been going on. Having a good day? Great! Not having a good day? I’m so sorry :( 


Hi guys
          Idk what’s wrong or what’s up with me, but writing and coming on this app isn’t appealing to me right now in my life. 
          I can’t explain it, I really don’t know how to if I did know but...god, I’m just so confused lol.
          Thank you for 1k reads on my diabetic rant book. Thank you for commenting and voting. 
          I’ll return when I feel the need too, but then again, it could be a while. 
          And again,
          Thank you :)