
bleeb bloob zblorg zeebe zeele zeblus


hhbhfjssdhj sorry for disappearing for like.,.,., a few days, author's curse decided to find me and something really uncool happened </33, wont get into too much detail for the sake of privacy n js out of respect for my friend,, but yhhadjdashj i might go back to writing now idk


but this prolly means that i was actually cooking w the first chapter :fire::fire:


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bruah i had a dream and like-.. it was at my old fucking home i think T_T (i live in an apartment now, w my parents ofc, before we were at this big ass home w my grandparents n stuff) (sO YEAH IT WAS IN THE BIG ASS HOUSE) (wasn't really that big but idk what to call it) and so.. some weird games were happening or sum?? Idk but there were teams, anddd like, characters there were.. interesting, i ended up in a team with gALAXY STEVE, and uusgyhhd im not sure but i think Indigo Steve?? maybe the leader guy, idrk.. but yh. And i sWEAR Void was there too... but he was the leader for a different team T___T, alsolsos Galaxy js picked me for his team.. for whatever reason i was laughing my ass off, and Galaxy went "Yo why don't we take Zack in our team lol" and so yeah


pretty sure the "games" lasted multiple days or sum, and like.. we had to share some tiny ahh bed, like as a team.. (the tiny ahh bed was my old bed bhahshsgs) and like i think we ended up cuddling, like.. us three, galaxy, indigo, n me :money mouth face idfk what it's called:


omg i found a similar x reader book, but with Gold Watchers (dark deception) and the characters i made for it seem genuinely so awesome i could probably think of so many sillie fun stories w them but at the same time idk how to start fanfics n stuff vruh