this message may be offensive
I fucking hatw myself, I hate my body.
I hate the feeling of being full or the feeling of emptiness.
It's so rare now, I thought I was moving past it.
I am moving past it,
But sometimes I still wonder. I still think about it.
I think about how much pain I would have if I were to ever decide to finally use razors on ky skin.
I know what it feels like, but not because I did it on purpose.
And when I think about it I shiver, and I sometimes long for the blade.
Somedays I still long for death,
Not because I'm unhappy with my life,
But because my life is so meaningless.
I am a problem, for everyone I've ever met.
I hammer down on them, I stress them out, and I don't mean to! I'm just a kid, I can't help it!
I feel like I bother so many people, like my existence isn't worth anything.
I hate how they have to spend so much money just feeding me and clothing me,
Keeping me healthy,
I hate eating, I used to not eat at all! But now I eat to much and I got fat, and now I am forcing myself not to eat.
My body is used to not eating much anyway.
I don't make myself puke often, I did once or twice because the feeling of having food in my stomache just made me feel so sick.
I don't know what is wrong with me.
And I really wish I could talk about it but that would make it seem like I want attention,
The only reason I say anything about this stuff here is because no one knows me.
I just,
I don't know.