
          	I have decided to cut Eden Tactics up into little stanzas. I don't know, the feel is a little more dramatic than the blocky chapters I was originally going to post. It gives it a suspense feel in the later chapters but I'll let that be determined by you guys reading it. Posting two short stanzas today. Check it out. The story moves a little slow at first, but I hope you guys will stick with it.


          I have decided to cut Eden Tactics up into little stanzas. I don't know, the feel is a little more dramatic than the blocky chapters I was originally going to post. It gives it a suspense feel in the later chapters but I'll let that be determined by you guys reading it. Posting two short stanzas today. Check it out. The story moves a little slow at first, but I hope you guys will stick with it.


I will be updating Eden Tactics II during Memorial Day weekend. Those reading it, I hope that you'll enjoy it. It's going to be a long chapter, because originally, Eden Tactics II is not a very long story to begin with. Twenty long chapters at best. Thank you. 


          @dinosaur1619. I have a joint cover shop in bookcovers, called Supanda. When it's open you can request there if you want. :D I would do them but it's just I'm pretty busy outside the shop and editing. Here's the link: http://www.wattpad.com/forums/discussion/207397/0/25/supanda-graphics-:.::.::.-open-:.:-closed-x
          We're closed right now but when it's open, feel free to request one from me. :D