
          	Thank you so much!! You sure are nice and helpful!


@__just__Rylee You're very welcome!
          	  I try my best to help where I can. It's the least I can do. :)


          No problem! I really want people to like my writing, do you have any tips?


@__just__Rylee The best advice I think I can give anyone who wants to better their writing is to keep writing, no matter how hard it gets. The more you write the better you get. Also, read. Read a lot. Reading will help show you how to form ideas, sentences, and everything else- not to mention spawn ideas as well!
            Don't let writer's block or a lack of readers get to you either. A lot of the best writers on here (at least in my personal opinion) are not the most popular ones. Write what makes you happy. A writer happy with their topics typically writes better than one who is bored with them, or writing what someone else wants. As for writer's block, we all get it at some point. The trick is to not let it get to you.
            Most importantly though, don't give up. I've been writing for nine years now, at least "seriously," and there was a time about five years ago where I almost gave it up for good. Something shook me out of it, luckily, and here I am today. Writing isn't easy, or for the weak of heart. It's going to be a tough road, and there will be times you  wonder why you keep trying, but in the end it's all worth it. :)
            Anyways, I hope that all helps you. :)
            Glad to see I am not the only one who is a part of several fandoms and enjoys camping. :)
            Hope you have a wonderful day/night! :) If you need anything let me know! :)