
me finally throwing my maths book away: burn away in hell you stupid dead tattooed tree


@_bailies DAMN , datz what I'd say as well , lol.


i currently have the Urge to come back from school after the exam and take my maths book into a corner and do a reproduction of that scene in the chamber of secrets in which harry stabs the diary and it straight up screams and dies. i want to drive a blunt dagger into the heart of my maths book until it's ripping from the blunt force trauma and make my brother record it so that when I wake up 4 hours later after suffering from that abomination of my exam, ill have something to look forward to


and i still have one more day before the exam istg get me a graphologist and they will tell you how the way i title my 'i's mean im plotting to kill god and feed him to my hounds of AngstTM


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re-reading (*procrastinating) through my poem book coz I decided to write poems during my AngstTM stage be like: "kill me kill me now why did I ever think it was okay to post that WHY am I like this"
          past!aarohi must have been pretty fuckin bold to put her LEGAL name on all of this stuff jfc


no freaking way my friend saw me say that trignometrical equation out loud and said "oh that's easy do you want me to help" i KNOW it's easy but i was born to be a pink float fairy to be living the cottage-core lifestyle with no colour other than pick or green in my world other than the blood of the stag i just killed to put it out of its misery and NOT a brilliant mind okay i DONT WANT to solve it


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if grammarly (it fucking tried to change it to 'Grammarly') corrects my paper cut sharp observations with "the tone is too harsh!" or "change i to I" again, I swear im gonna kill someone and it's gonna be the green coloured  ai mind with a redo shape in the middle and watch it's life-blood like codes drip out of its syntax errors and tell my pucky ass husband to get me some thinner because damn, this spot needs to get out from my frilly lace nightgown painted with the screams of "prove you're a human" bot. let's see which is a picture of a zebra and which of a dildo in hell you bitch


I need to pulverise 4 dispirin tablets into cocaine texture, snort them and gulp down red bull while staring into the eyes of my desktop telling me to prove sin^2theta / 1- tan theta x sec^2theta = donald trump's crusty asscrack


the day is finally here. wish me luck! 


@Nicoismysenpai gahh thank you <33


@_bailies ack the boards, ive heard about those, good luck! hope u do well!


@Nicoismysenpai ahh thank you so much for wishing even though you didn't know what it was!! i really appreciate it <33
            (also lmao i just started with my first nationalised exams, called board examinations. i have, and i am not kidding, preparing for this my whole life. so yes, i do need a bit of good luck! thank you!)


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man i'm becoming real good at this shameless act. can y'all see it??? literaly 7 months?????? SEVEN?????? AND THE REVIEW SHOP????? 
          (yes, i'm calling myself out on my own bullshit. i do that often.)
          anyways, the 12th chapter of The Problem With Pausing has been released!!! ENJOYYYY!!! AND KEEP SOME COOKIES READY CAUSE THERE'S LOADSS TO CRUNCH ON THIS CHPATTER MUAHAHAHA


PLS not @ wattpad outting an offensive notice at the head of this announcement T-T yes im WELL AWARE of my self roast wattpad ya don't need to do it for me *crying emoji*