Hai;) I'm Emily! Em for short. 
lemme tell you about myself
-I am a major swiftie
-I am a nutellatic
-I hate pink
-I hate the sound of the AC
-I love music
-No music=No life
-I love red oreos!
-White annoys me
-I hate plaid
-I am awesome
-I am funny
-I am hilarious
-I am every good character trait
-I ship PEENIS
-I love my friends
-The toater scares me
-I can sing the alphabet backwards
I'm awesome and so talented. I know I know. Well please read my books and give me suggestions. Love you all
  • Neverland
  • انضمJuly 12, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
_forever_young_88 _forever_young_88 Feb 16, 2013 06:01AM
Just put I'm no star and my reality life in hold! I am having writers block and I need time to come up with inspiration. I might also put the kissing bet on hold. I know what I want to happen in resi...
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