Just my random story for u guys...
It's been hard lately. Yes, my life not going so well as I want. I dah jarang buat something yang I suka. Reading, writing and etc. My life now is just pergi kerja, balik kerja and tidur. And it repeated every day. Cukup bulan tunggu gaji masuk. Duit habis. And repeat untuk bulan yang seterusnya.
Guys, adulting is very tiring. Sumpah cakap, adulting sangat-sangat memenatkan. Ramai orang cakap, penat rehat lah. Pergi healing, go see nature, go everywhere that you want. But did u guys know yang nak buat semua benda tu memerlukan duit? Takde duit nak gerak ke mana-mana yang korang nak tu dengan apa? Minyak kereta pun kena isi guys :)
That's why I cakap, adulting is very tiring. Hari ni u boleh enjoy, esok lusa u makan maggi je. Kadang kan I terfikir, macam mana orang lain boleh hidup mewah beli apa-apa yang dorang nak while me still struggle untuk survive.
I do enjoy my life, tapi at the same time, I also stressing my life with something that I don't know it is good for me or not. Kita kalau boleh taknak cerita masalah yang kita hadapi, tapi at the same time, you want someone to talk. Faham tak? Yes you got your bestfriends tapi takkan lah nak cerita semua benda kan? If u are a girl, of course u nak dimanjakan. How I wish that I could get a morning wish, random talk, goodnight wish, reassurance, princess treatment. Right?
Anyway, take care guys. I know some of you going through a hard time these days. But it's okay, I know you guys can handle it.