
Ok so I've been writing Love You Forever for a while now. Should I post one chapter at a time or just post the entire thing? If I do post one chapter at a time I'll have to determine where each chapter ends and begins.. but if I dont then you guys prolly wont get it for a while..


Ok so I've been writing Love You Forever for a while now. Should I post one chapter at a time or just post the entire thing? If I do post one chapter at a time I'll have to determine where each chapter ends and begins.. but if I dont then you guys prolly wont get it for a while..






Ooo damn it’s been what? Almost a year?


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is there such thing as subtle emotional abusive?
          Cause my mom can be really... manipulative, strict (but not too much) and constantly used to tell me how all of my anxiety was just in my head. My step father did a couple bad things (nothing too serious) in the past and can still be really scary. My step mother doesn't even know my middle name and My dad never speaks to me.
          There have been a lot of things said in the past by all of them and I don't really remember all of them but I remember either having panic attacks after or not talking and feeling shitty for a long time after.
          My mother and I argue and stuff and it got so bad I became suicidal. She would often scream out things that would make me feel like shit after and she would never apologize for it. My Father has apologized for the things he has said or done. I am currently living in my grandma's house and things are totally the opposite here. Though, my mother wants me to move back and since my grandma has no legal custody over me, she can make me if she wants. And by the way she's talking it sounds like she's going to force me to come back.
          I need to know, is this all in my head and just normal parenting stuff? Am I the problem here? Am I the one that needs to change?


ok so. I go on a trip. For 4 days. 
          4 days guys. 
          I come back with over 100 notifications. The signal was bad. I didnt get any.
          Im on my way back home...
          and the dinging begins..
          it was people responding to my dumb comments but I didnt know I get that many responds in 4 days, like I dont have the social skills to make jokes


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          My dumbass somehow keeps falling into toxic friendships that always ends with me seeing how dumb and mean they're acting so I leave them to hang out with other kids. Ive had a handful of them, but only 2 actually made an impact on me. The first one was actually my first toxic relationship. That girl was just mean. Made me steal shït for her, you know the whole package. We were like, 7. The second one is the one that sent me into a deep depression. I was, and still am, figuring out my gender and sexuality and having body issues and then I got really suicidal. My mom was, and is, a helicopter parent and freaks out about anything that she doesn't like. (I didn't have a 13th birthday party cause I wanted to invite a trans guy who I had a small crush on at the time and she didn't like him) I told my friend about this, and she told me that she's help (never did). Eventually she dragged me to a church camp where we had a crap ton of free time. I brought my phone and had made some friends. I was hanging out with them, playing Tom Gold Run (I may have a slight addiction. I know it's a kid game and idc) and we were in her cabin, which was also one of my knew friends cabin. she saw us and ratted us out cause idk she's an ass. Eventually she comes in, tell us to get off. We say no. I (jokingly) say that I needed to play on my phone in order to keep my sanity and to not kill myself (or something along those lines) And she says. 
          "You say it so much already, why not just get it over with already?!" That's when it clicked. I had kinda brushed off the fact that she constantly made things about herself, and hated it when she didn't get her way. (I once got so pissed that I straight up slapped her but that's a story for another time) My friend was kinda like "please dont kill yourself." and worried and crap but I haven't (yet).  She constantly body shamed me and told me my art style was ugly. A lot has happened since then and im in a better friendship (and relationship) now


I’m tired


@Tobias_the_Short  I have three dogs, two tortoises, one hamster, and 15 fish. Are they all cool to come?


@_king_the_pigeon_ some dogs, if you like dogs. I have two big ones to bring if that's ok