
don't know how many of you are still active, but i just updated two of my books:))))


@_ryder_ I'm still active ;) yayyy


          I'm a new author, and I just published the first chapter of my book, and it's written by three people! We are hoping to get it published soon, but we need people to view it first so we can get more eyes on it! Any constructed feedback would be great if you have any time and it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope you have a great day/night!!


Hi! You've been giving others positivity and now it's time to give yourself positivity! 
          You have to list three things that you love about yourself and post it here and on ten other people's accounts.
          I like my hair, my ability to make people laugh, and my creativity.
          And just because I'm really curious 
          Mischief managed:)


@One_Anxious_Boi I love my smile, my intelligence, and my eyelashes :)


@One_Anxious_Boi “Reminder: your self-worth is not defined by how others treat you.”


Hi! You've been giving others positivity and now it's time to give yourself positivity! 
          You have to list three things that you love about yourself and post it here and on ten other people's accounts.
          I like my hair, my ability to make people laugh, and my creativity.
          And just because I'm really curious 
          Mischief managed:)