
So, here's what's gonn'a happen with Like The Moon: Enemies of Faith (I changed the name of the story); I'm gonn'a continue with the old version of it and edit as I see fit or when I'm told that something needs to be fixed or doesn't make sense. I'm not gonn'a worry about so much of fixing it to please EVERYONE (because that's impossible). I've gotten so many opinions on how I should write my story that it confused me... So, I'm just gonn'a write this story my way and pray that people enjoy it, even if it's only a handful of people. I've tried the critique partner thing and it seems that maybe I was an inconvenience or annoyance because I have/had so many questions as I'm trying to learn all I need to know about writing and effective book/story. So, I won't be seeking that anymore... I'm just gonn'a keep writing and filling in the gaps... If you've read the story from the beginning, up to Chapter 26 (where I left off), let me tell you that I'm changing the way some things are going, so, things may not make sense if you don't go back and read (I apologize in advance). This is what happens when I'm trying to grow as a writer on my own, though. Eventually, I'll get there, where I wann'a be. I believe in my potential as a writer. I wann'a thank everyone for the support so far, though. And I'm grateful for everyone who's sent me messages, checking on the story as I wasn't posting anything. But, it's gonn'a all be back up soon. Sorry for the long wait. And I thank you for your patience.


So, here's what's gonn'a happen with Like The Moon: Enemies of Faith (I changed the name of the story); I'm gonn'a continue with the old version of it and edit as I see fit or when I'm told that something needs to be fixed or doesn't make sense. I'm not gonn'a worry about so much of fixing it to please EVERYONE (because that's impossible). I've gotten so many opinions on how I should write my story that it confused me... So, I'm just gonn'a write this story my way and pray that people enjoy it, even if it's only a handful of people. I've tried the critique partner thing and it seems that maybe I was an inconvenience or annoyance because I have/had so many questions as I'm trying to learn all I need to know about writing and effective book/story. So, I won't be seeking that anymore... I'm just gonn'a keep writing and filling in the gaps... If you've read the story from the beginning, up to Chapter 26 (where I left off), let me tell you that I'm changing the way some things are going, so, things may not make sense if you don't go back and read (I apologize in advance). This is what happens when I'm trying to grow as a writer on my own, though. Eventually, I'll get there, where I wann'a be. I believe in my potential as a writer. I wann'a thank everyone for the support so far, though. And I'm grateful for everyone who's sent me messages, checking on the story as I wasn't posting anything. But, it's gonn'a all be back up soon. Sorry for the long wait. And I thank you for your patience.


I'm going to be removing Like The Moon from Wattpad today (it's only temporary). I'm doing it so that I can fix all of the inconsistencies in the story and so that I can make it better in some areas. I'm not the best writer, I'm a growing writer... but I'm not really growing like I should because I'm lacking in some things. So, I'll be working on those things. If you've been reading this far, thank you! Sorry for the inconvenience. I don't have a critique partner or anything, so, I'm doing all this on my own and trying to make it right, enjoyable, and satisfying all at the same time.


@a_passionateWriter message me any time! It may take a while to respond because of work, but I won't ever ignore you.


@outcastlookingin Hey, so, I have an update that I'm gonn'a post soon. Maybe in a few minutes. A lot has been going on. I miss talking with you and I'll catch up with you soon, trust me.


My new description for Like The Moon: "When waking up feels like God is just having fun torturing you with breath in your lungs, it's bad, huh? But that's how Jason Ryder feels. Finding himself feeling like a prisoner of his own life, a simple longing for freedom suddenly turns into an adventure that exceeds anything he could have ever dreamed of.
            When Jason's good friend, Rylee Summers unknowingly finds herself in danger of having her faith in God destroyed, he takes matters into his own hands in order to protect her. But what he didn't know is that his actions would breed a war that others would be unwillingly dragged into; Trenton Denson and Autumn Sanders find themselves in the crossfire as they're confronted with a terror that they never would have imagined existed."
          What do you think about this one @sophiacolson ?


In case no one's noticed; I've added this to my book description (after toggling back and forth with the mature content option for a while). I wasn't sure if I really needed to change the content to "Mature" or not (I struggled with the idea of it)... then I ended up doing it and that was not a good move, let's just say that. So, here's what I added to the description:
          Warning: There is some profanity in this story (not a ridiculous amount of it), it gets a bit violent (but not all throughout the story, and no graphic/gory descriptions), and you may find some stuff hard to read through at some point (ex. someone talks about being raped (without going into detail)). So, caution, readers.
          Note: I don't rate this story as mature because so far, Chapter Nineteen is the only chapter that's been pretty violent with a strong word of profanity, while also being the hardest to read through. I will give a heads up if any other chapter feels the same way.


Okay, so Luke has been updated - he has thick, wavy, shaggy hair. He looks like a little kid, like he's about ten years old (he's small and short) - but he's fifteen (instead of fourteen (mentioned in Chapter Nine: Broken) and his hair is brown (I believe that detail is mentioned in... Chapter Thirteen: Red With Revenge (I'll be changing the title of this chapter to Thirst for Revenge)). And that will be all for now... except that I did add details to his mom in the same chapter... so... yeah (go check her out if you want). I'm working on chapters 16-20. There's a lot of craziness is coming up... so, get ready!


So, here are the things I've changed with some of my characters: Jason's/Ryder's eyes are now sky-blue instead of cocoa colored (mentioned in Chapter Four: Preacher). Nothing's changed about Rylee (she's perfect). Jeff is still the same too. I haven't describe Misty or Rylee's mom Rachel), yet, but I'll go back and do that soon so that you guys won't have to make up everything (unless you all like doing that sort of thing). Felix's hair is described as a long angular combover and his eyes are still grey/silver (mentioned in Chapter Three: Snake, Four: Preacher and... I think in Chapter Eleven: Confronting The Enemy). Nothing's changed about Landen (yet). Kira hasn't changed at all (she's flawless). Nick has changed quite a bit; I made him more of a punk rock/goth than a screamo. His hair is red-black, faded (shaved down) on the right side (instead of shaved on both sides) of his head so it hangs to the left, covering that side of his face. And his uniform is all black instead of red and black (I may go and describe the uniform later on) - find all of that in Chapter Thirteen: Red With Revenge. Oh, Autumn's changed; I changed her eye color to grey-green and her hair color to dark, ash blonde... and it's thick, wavy hair instead of crinkly, and she described her lips as pretty, pink and plump (mentioned in Chapter Nine: Broken, Chapter Ten: Evil Among Us). I'm certain I described Luke maybe once or twice... I'll go and look. But so far, that's all I've changed about my characters. I'll update you all again if I change anything else.


Alright people! With some help from @sophiacolson , I've decided to go back and edit some of my character's descriptions (I have never been all that good with that area of writing). So, if you read something that throws you off, that'd be why. Not major changes, but little details like eye color and hair styles and such... and clothes styles... Yeah. I'm trying to create consistency and I found it. Lol. Blame it on pinterest! I found better looking characters on there. LOL. Btw, "Chapter Fifteen: Welcome To Hell" is on the way to you!


@a_passionateWriter no problem! It's awesome working with other writers.


@SophiaColson It's def mine too! And thanks so much for your help in this!


@a_passionateWriter Yay! I love that your developing your characters more. That's my favorite part of writing.


Are chapters thirteen and fourteen backwards on anyone else's Wattpad app? Please read Chapter Thirteen first, if so! It doesn't show up backwards on my laptop. So, I don't know what's going on with that.


@MCookiegirl Thanks for telling me. I wish I could send you the screenshot someone sent me. It was backwards on theirs. By the way, Chapter Fifteen is coming really soon!