
wow, i suck... anyway new chapter tonight!


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
          Collision course for me was a way of saying goodbye to this oh so familiar world of high school i had been living in and i wanted to finish it before i headed to college, to an uncharted territory. There are times were Theo and Josh have kept me sane in high school days, so in my head it only made sense that they reside in an era where i too am their friend, when im still a child, where i haven't experienced adulthood, because these characters are so full of that high school invincible, rebellious, eternal spirit that us as high school kids carry, some people still have it and i hope to carry with me forever, that we all carry some part of it. 
          So, this pandemic has indeed taken a toll on the book, you can see by the lack of updates, i had so many plans for it that can't believe it myself how less i have updated Collision Course. But now i think life is finally good, i don't have many stupid problems in life, and shit just seems good y'know? For the time being life feels simple, even though it won’t stay like that I know, scales have to tip, but lemme just feel it. So im finally in a much better place, minus the crushing load of school work and internal panic for college that is, so yeah, i'll be giving a lot more of myself to this book and my goal still is to complete it before my high school ends (let’s see if i do that because it was supposed to be halfway over by now in my head and we have barely started lol).
          So read guys, show Adam, Lavender, Theo, Seb, Josh and Death some love, let them make you feel happy and give collision course some love! I don't care if i get 8 reads or a 100, i just want collision course to be out there, to be yours, it has lived in my head for too long, and now it's time for it to be out there. Thank you, guys, I'll work much harder now.
          With all love


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
          (This message s hella long so im going to split it in two, because yes wattpad, I have way too many feelings and 2000 characters isn’t enough for me)
          Hey guys,
          I just wanted to drop in and just say hi to y'all. I hope everyone is doing good and having a good time reading Collision Course. I decided back in 2016 when i first published it on wattpad that maybe it isn't the right time, so i took it off, and now suddenly, i am in my senior year ready to leave high school forever in a few months.
          So, this year in February i brought it back, improved, better and relatable. My main goal was to create a story everyone would find some piece of themselves in. Most of the ideas, plotlines, funny moments come from my own experiences or head when it’s not busy doing 30 calculus assignments. So i think you can imagine my shock, the depressed phase and most of all the fucking incredulity when i didn't even get to step into my high school for my senior year. I mean there are a lot of more important things in the world than my high school experience but still.
          I haven't met my friends in almost 7 months, and these idiots are basically what keeps this thing going. Back in 8th i wrote this book just for the hell of it, for fun and you know to try something. 4 years later, i am grown and more experienced, i know more about friendships and love than a 13 year old, so i thought, all these stupid friends have done so much for me since i practically stepped into school, they have stolen my lunch, played basketball, made me laugh in class, just stand in the school corridors, stand by the lockers and make me laugh, steal my beanies and shit, move away, leave me with issues, love me, and despite all of the snobby ass attitude, I am grateful for all the friends I have made whether they’re still in touch with me or not, if they remember me or not, whatever they did to me or not.


I feel its only right to post it here because one direction fan fics (yeah go ahead cringe, you all  wish you were as woke as me) brought me here in the first place so,
          10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY LEFT ME IN TEARS, THE APPRECITAION POSTS, OH LAWD UwU (zayn man... still love you tho, i respect choices ) but now i feel so wholesome. yeah okay, thats all.