ok so sorry guy i wont be uploading for a while nothing too bad just phone gave up and died for good I'll see ya when i get a new one
@eclipse_rising please let semi and the other know that i haven't died my phone has for good
ok so guys I'm gonna continue writing soon just my family is kinda busy at the moment considering my grandad might be in his final stretch so yeah
also if you like pokemon check out my friend @eclipse_rising hes making his own region in a book and i have a character
I was planning on doing something with the koneko x male reader but I just lost a friend whom doesn't live near me so I probably will see her in either a few months or years I'll probably get something for either koneko the mystery book or the pokemon book I'm just gonna recover see ya when I next upload
sorry my update are slow to not existing but right now I've got exam starting soon and also planing an original story which is actually hard work
I'll try update my koneko x male reader soon thought