
Turns out I forgot to publish the discontinuing note that I talked about in my last announcement, and I only just now noticed. I am so sorry. It's up now.


I'd like to apologize for being so inactive the past two(ish?) years. It was unfair of me to just disappear without a word. If you care to know why, I'm posting an A/N on one of my fanfics (the frerard one), announcing that I'm discontinuing it. You can read through that to find out why I've been inactive and why I'm discontinuing that one (and not others). I'd rather not post it here because I don't want this to be too long, and some of you might not care. Just know that I'm sorry, and I plan to be more active from now on. Keep a look out for updates. I have many stories planned.
          A similar announcement to this (probably mostly copy-paste) will be on my other account, so if you follow that one, it may be a neat surprise that it was me the whole time. Welcome to my other account, I guess.
          Thank you for your time, and stay safe, children!


Also, I changed my username and icon!


I just posted a kind of important AN to some of my works regarding unpublishing and editing them. If it's not on a fic that you read, great, I'm not majorly editing it. However, I may edit a chapter or two a little anyway. You may want to look at one of my fics and read that AN just to be sure you don't miss any important information, mostly because I added something about my lack of updates. Thank you for your time, and stay safe, children!


Oh, goodness, it has been too long. I'd like to apologize and let you all know that I'm not dead yet and that updates are coming. I'm not sure how many of you will care enough to read my excuse, but I'm gonna put it here anyway. In case any of you know my other account, this message will be on that one as well.
          So, I ended up having issues with logging in, which was the first problem that sparked the rest of it. Then, I didn't have anything to log in with, meaning no computer or tablet (I don't have or want a smartphone). When I was finally able to login, the issues were out of the way and I had a tablet again, I felt really bad for my absence and stupidly decided it would be a good idea to apologize in the form of updating everything at once as well as an additional new fic or two, all of the new chapters longer than those previous. Very stupid idea, and probably one of my worst ideas. The stress of getting them all done and updated at once killed my motivation and gave me horrible writer's block. And with school starting up again, I've also been really busy. Now that I've realized my previous mistakes, I will go ahead and publish every update that is finished, with a brief author's note and a feature that's new for some of them: word count. So far, there's only fic I can think of that doesn't have a new chapter either finished or almost finished. The rest of my new chapters are either near completion or are completed. Again, I apologize, and finished chapters will be up momentarily.


So, I haven't been here in awhile. I said I was back quite awhile ago. Ummm..... I really don't have much of an excuse, and I don't think you need to know much about my personal life. I do have another account, and I will try to even out the time spent on both of them, but that may not happen. I'm sorry I'm terrible at uploading in a timely manner, but I will work on it.