
@Sukiisawizard My exams are over and done with.... but break may be busier than the school year. :S


I completely and utterly understand your usage of nerdy conversationalized vocabulary in your interesting and honestly dependable novel directed persisely to the lifestyle and brain mass of being an articulate brainiac. Or as some my be insinuating, nerd. me containg the thoughts of being and articulate brainiac, i for one if many, extremely appreciate your use of the articulate vocabulary many human beings so rarely depend on in their daily life. 


Hello there! How are you? I hope you are doing fantastic! 
          I really want to thank you dearly for being my 200th fan. Wow! You're incredible. 
          I hope you enjoy my story(ies)! It would be great if you maybe even gave me some feedback! 
          Talking to you would be a pleasure, I'm just a few clicks away. 
          It was a pleasure meeting you, thanks again! 
          Much love, Xx