IU "Love wins all" mv ft. TAEHYUNG is literally the best. I cried watching it that was so gooddddd
This is the best thing I've ever watcheddd❤
THE BESTTTT<3!! I love ittt</3
Her voice,the song, the lyrics, their acting, the whole mv is the masterpiece ♡
I'm so proud of themm❤️
@solenophilegirl Heyy, thanks I'm doing great and I hope you're doing great too!!!
Okayyy I'll read ittt!! I love all of the above mention trope so I'll surely try to read it as soon as I can<3
@Ikaa_writes the description is so interesting so couldn't help it, will try to read all the chapters updated asap and will review it soon :) and the intro is already so interesting
@Aady_writes I really love to read this type of stories with multiple couple, and the theme you are writing, this is totally the type of books I love to read and your way of writing is also so good<3!!
this person (@bgntkyo) that you are following is stealing other peoples books and posting them as there own. Don't support them report them. Don't believe, look into "it just might come back to bite you". I messaged them publicly and they deleted the message I sent them. so it's def deliberate. The real author also has the book posted on Wattpad. Their user is @arobeebee. Please report and unfollow them!