
Hey y'all. I just published the first chapter of my new book My Girl (Clexa). You don't have to read it, but it would most definitely be appreciated. If you do read it, please feel free to message me and let me know how it is. I'm also opened to suggestions on what the next chapter should be about. If you recommend an idea for chapters, I might use it and if I use it I will dedicate the chapter to you. I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately. I am starting school in 5 days and it's just very stressful for me. Thanks for understanding.- Keirsten


it. was. AMAZE!


I will read it


Hey y'all. I just published the first chapter of my new book My Girl (Clexa). You don't have to read it, but it would most definitely be appreciated. If you do read it, please feel free to message me and let me know how it is. I'm also opened to suggestions on what the next chapter should be about. If you recommend an idea for chapters, I might use it and if I use it I will dedicate the chapter to you. I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately. I am starting school in 5 days and it's just very stressful for me. Thanks for understanding.- Keirsten


it. was. AMAZE!


I will read it


Hey y'all it's Keirsten. I really have no clue wtf is wrong with me... I haven't updated in SO LONG.. sorry... Post ideas on here please I want to start a new book so it's gonna be called 'Heartbreak' so I'm gonna start my new book rn.
          Lots of Love-


Does anyone want to be in my book? I am giving random parts to my followers. Also, I need new Ideas for The Secret She Hid. If anyone wants to make a cover for In Loving Memory Of Micheal John Miller and a cover for The Secret She Hid, message me on wattpad. All In Loving Memory of Michael John Miller needs to have is: A picture of Angel wings, The title, And last but not least, My wattpad username. (JanielBeliever2019). All The Secret She Hid needs is: (The cover it already has), the title, and last but not least, my wattpad username. (JanielBeliever2019). The reason I want the cover to stay the same for The Secret She Hid is because I want me and my best friend @DarrellGillett (Go follow her she is amazing) to be the cover of The Secret She Hid. She has been there for me through all of the tough times. I love you Sis! Love you guys! I will try to update later today. Thank you loves! Peace✌, Love❤, Hope. -