ARMY, Otome gamer, writer, editor, video creator and interpreter.  Games I've played:
SLBP, BMP 1 and 2; BMPEK, IkeRev, MLQC, Voltage games
Story creator on 'BTS Universe story app' under the name of AdriBun.

Most of my stories are project of my wild imagination or based irl experiences or how i see the world through my twisted vision

I used to draw.

IG: Kitty-kadry.
Tumblr: kitty-kat-ty. Youtube: AdriBun Lieben; BUS: AdriBun; Twitter: kitty_katty. Dm if any doubt arises.
  • InscritJanuary 13, 2016

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adrilieben adrilieben Mar 15, 2024 06:02PM
A new random story I made. The original characters in the dream can't be mentioned for personal reasons so I changed it to a more fitting one~Messy love stories are ma thing so here it goesI just p...
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Histoires par Adri Lieben
Marry Me | TaeJin  par adrilieben
Marry Me | TaeJin
A drama, love and slide of life type of story. Main leads, Jin as Jwan & Tae as Ethan, aka Tan. Summary: When...
ranking #63 dans la catégorie bottomv Voir tous les classements
Let's put an end in friends par adrilieben
Let's put an end in friends
When the heart yearns for that special someone, nothing can't stop it when they cross your path again. A rand...
ranking #29 dans la catégorie vv Voir tous les classements
BTS Drabbles par adrilieben
BTS Drabbles
Random stories born from prompts I found on sns. Most of this don't feature a specific ship or partner theref...
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