@Kill_Me_Sweetly_ I already have three cats ;~; we can't get any more until one of them dies. Which probably will happen soon, because one of our cats is 15 years old and has kidney failure. I sound like an animal abuser when I say I want him to die because I want a kitten, but that cat's really damn mean x.X
Thank you so much for adding my story to your reading list :D It makes me a happy panda xD (even if you can't tell by the grumpy picture, lol). I really hope you enjoy it *
@Kill_Me_Sweetly_ I already have three cats ;~; we can't get any more until one of them dies. Which probably will happen soon, because one of our cats is 15 years old and has kidney failure. I sound like an animal abuser when I say I want him to die because I want a kitten, but that cat's really damn mean x.X
@Kill_Me_Sweetly_ neither do I x.x which was why I thought it was so strange. But it smelled nice so I was like whatev. Also I saw kittens for the second day in a row and I DIED OF CUTENESS OVERLOAD. They were so cute x.x
@Kill_Me_Sweetly_ I have been told that before v.v OMGEHH I feel like a girly girl lol I got Taytay Swift perfume today.. just had to say TayTay to make it sound more ga-.. FABULOUS~~ (pewdiepie reference)
@HikariAndKariYuuki whawhawha no I ain't be dissin barqu and leif. I HATE DUCKING COLLAB ON ANYTHING BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS OUT NEVERRR
@Mr_Giant pfffffft no lol it sucked ass believe me. Plus I'm busy with MoMo over there so I have like NO TIEM. haha maybe after I finish that project
@Kill_Me_Sweetly_ OMFG It's a meeeeerakle ~(OoO)~