Hi everyone! Aira is my real name & im a Filipina. My main purpose in joining wattpad is to read, vote & comment & sometimes fan the book's author ;) though im also taking a try to write my own story since i have lots of ideas to put into it but dont have the time to since im more into reading than writing. Lol

This is my 2nd acct so im no longer ignorant about this :p

my likes when it comes to a book. The story must involve one of these as main characters:
-bad boy & or a nerd or a good girl
-billionaire or could be millionaire as long he's really rich, arrogant & popular
-royal vampire guys not girls
-i like to read a story that is a first person POV cause it makes me feel like I'M the main character of the story lol

Dislike in a story?
-when there is already a love triangle in the first few chaps. i dislike that kind of a plot cause its disappointing when the character ur rooting for doesnt end up with the main character & the other person in that triangle is the winner haha
-if the story is narrated & not in POV, especially if there are two female or male characters in that scene & the narrator is using their actual names to 'she' or 'he'. :|

as u have notice, im really on to romance, teen fic, vampire & chicklit category reader since im not ready to face my reality lovelife yet cause i know it sucks to be true haha

I love to dance, sing, eat, sleep & read wattpad & not my educational books cause its giving me headaches and heartaches, though i must admit i do have really good grades BEFORE i start joining wattpad lol yup & now i dont know how to stop myself from reading stories here & i believe i dont want to know or i'll die loveless xD

im a friendly, down to earth, God fearing & funny girl. aside from reading wattpad stories, im also into manga & anime. :D

For those of u who wants to advertise their stories, u can mcg me it as long as it fits ur stories to my likes then im ok w/ it :)
  • BergabungApril 23, 2014