

I  cant  go  back  uninjured.  just  hurt  me,  mitsuki. 


CONFLICTING—HEARTACHE.  “@miinobe,  do you (have) to go back to them … ?” He knows the answer,  and he doesn’t want to hear it.  Mitsuki turns away from the man in front of him,  wandering off to a window.  “I don’t know why I (bothered) to ask,  to be honest.”


(...) this is where you want to eat lunch? you don't want to go somewhere nicer?


STRAIGHT—FACED AS EVER,  he stares at @everyletterisent and slowly nods—what was wrong with hot-pot?  A classic,  a staple if one could say.  “The nights have been colder,  a sign that winter nears.  I would like to have something warm;  unless—you want something else.  I’m fine with anything.”  He really wasn’t.  He’s been looking forward to picking somewhere to eat hot-pot for a while.


(the yamakagashi glances to her side where the young mitsuki stands and then looks back at the entrance of the hot-pot restaurant he had decided they should eat at.) well, if you insist.


Warren huffed as he laid down across the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm telling you it's much more comfortable down here. I no longer feel like a ninety year old lady trapped inside of my skin."


            "Oh trust me I plan on it unless I get side tracked which happens a lot. I don't know why it happens but it just does." Warren then began a mindless ramble the rest of the way now heading into the coffee shop, being very expressive with his hands. Yeah he was one of those people who talk with their hands and he was quite insecure about that but he tried not to show it. The whole fake it til you make it mindset.


With a laugh, it could be a possibility that all the mindless zombies roaming campus could just have anti psychs into their coffees. Maverick included. “Could be something in the coffee. Why don’t you go find out detective? Maybe you’ll uncover a years long mystery of what’s in the coffee.” Maverick quips right back, though less enthusiastic compared to @gayram-, he does try to put some pep into his words.


            Warren nodded in agreement, a shiver escaping him. "That explains a lot about the people around campus." He wasn't going to name names but he has one specific person in mind. Nothing made sense to him honestly. Why was Arcadia Bay so odd? "Maybe there's something in the coffee, who knows. Maybe some anti psychotics." He teased somewhat trying to keep the mood light. Either way he didn't want to think about it for too much longer.


Warren's face flushed in embarrassment to which he hid Mav's jacket behind his back. "This is uh...not what it looks like?" He thought Mav left the room so he had been impersonating him. Looks like his idea completely backfired.


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            Warren continued to fidget around with Maverick's shirt to keep his hands and mind occupied as best as he possibly could anyway. Could you blame him though? He just felt way too guilty and wanted the feeling to go away sooner than later. "Hank would love to have you I just know it. And come on you can charm your grandparents into letting you keep him. I'm sure of it." He forced a bright smile onto his face while he looked Mav in the eyes for only a few seconds that he could allow himself to. "Oh I just fake it until I believe it. I don't always have an optimistic outlook on life especially when it has anything to do with myself. If I continue thinking in a pessimistic way then my moods ruined for the rest of the day so I'm just like...trying to spare myself? I'm unsure if any of that made any sense to you." A quiet sigh escaped from the boy to which he offered him a meek shrug, a frown evident on his face.  "Don't worry I'll take your secret to the grave with me. It's no one else's business I can assure you." Not like he had anyone else to tell besides Maverick himself and well..he's the only person he really talks to nowadays. "Having an optimistic look on life is one of those fake it 'til you make it mindsets. No one can genuinely be this optimistic all the time considering the future holds a bunch of what ifs and everything's uncertain. And that shit genuinely scares me but I'm not trying to worry about that.."


One day seemed like a big thing he couldn’t quite comprehend, one day seemed so far away from his current ambitions and goals that it felt weird to agree. Turning his eyes to a brighter future, and having hope. Something his therapist really wanted to drill deep into his mind, and so he nods with a faint smile on his face. “I would love to take Hank in. Maybe when I’m not confined to these dorms. I’d bring him to my grandparents but they can be ( .. ) strict about what they let into the house.” The rustling from his shirt brings him out of his thoughts, sleepy eyes gazing at Warren with slight confusion. “You have a very optimistic outlook on life. I’m sort of jealous that you can turn a slightly bad situation into a good one— me? I worry too much, think I’m running out of time or something. My therapist calls it FOMO: (Fear of missing out), or so my therapist says. What does he know anyways ( … ).” A bit of a raw confession that has Maverick staring at the ceiling, rather than look directly at @gayram-‘s face. “Y’know ( … ) you might be the only person that knows I see a therapist. Not even (Victoria) or (Nathan) know.”


            Warren frowned at what the other had said not finding it funny one bit. If anything he felt guilty for even joking with Mav like how he did but he tried to just shake it off and chalk it off as nothing for right now. He didn't want to feel even more guilty for anything he ends up doing or saying. "Come on one day you'll end up adopting the pet that's right for you I can just feel it. You'd make a great pet owner. Come on just...just try to look on the bright side. There's always hope even if it's just a little bit." He anxiously fidgeted around with Mav's shirt trying to keep his mind occupied long enough to not end up feeling guilty. "See there a start..this stray must sincerely love you, shouldn't you already be taking that as your sign?" He tilted his head off to the side as he observed the other males facial expression, his own remaining unreadable. He didn't want to give anything away with his facial expressions mainly because he genuinely still felt so guilty for even remotely upsetting the male underneath himself. He didn't know why he was like this but all he knew for a fact was that he had to change it sooner than later. He momentarily closed his eyes just trying to wrap his mind around everything. He still didn't think he deserved Maverick as a friend.




pinterest -- provides a visual ideal of maverick, general aesthetic, etc


hey  (  .  .  .  )   uh ,    you .     wait  — -     what's  your  name ?


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i  think  if  you  did  that  on  campus ,   everyone  would  love  you ,   but  then  hate  you  for  not  doing  it  every  day .   hell ,   even  the  teachers  would  buy  from  you ,   fuck  knows  they  need  to  ease  up  a  little .  (  shooting him a grin ,   she couldn’t deny how incredible that would be to see . . .    him dressed as santa handing out weed ?   something she needed to see  )    everyone  here  is  two  faced ,   even  if  they  deny  it .


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            I think anything would work for anybody in this town, or on campus. If I decided to be like ( … ) I don’t know, fucking Santa Claus and hand out free weed or whatever. I would have people at my feet like: ‘Oh em gee!!! Mav, you’re such a sweetheart!!!’ [HIS WORDS, LACED WITH OBVIOUS SARCASM AND LIGHTHEARTEDNESS.] It amazes me just how much people suddenly like you, and then hate you for your actions. 


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it  works  in  this  shit - hole  of  a  town .     i  think  most  people  here  would  kill  for  a  cigarette .   (  a small laugh .   of course she could appreciate stupid jokes  )      there's  a  first  for  everything .    not  my  fault  you're  always  here  when  i  need  a  smoke .


//Ugh so needy for spam smh/j 
          Warren narrowed his eyes towards the other. "What the heck, you interrupted my shark fun facts!"


            "Hopefully one day you get to accomplish your dreams when you're ready to move on from this place." Warren smiled though it didn't seem to reach his eyes. He was so drained, he was tired of acting like he was okay just for everyone else's sake. "Though I might up and leave within the next week or two. I'm unsure yet...might move it sooner." Who knows, he might end up staying. The only good thing going for him at this point of time was Maverick. Though he wouldn't ever dare tell him that, he wasn't sure how Mav felt or anything like that. He didn't want to chase his only friend away. Well maybe...maybe it would be easier to be detached and push him away to avoid them both getting hurt in the end.


            A true free spirit, wanting to go wherever the wind took them. Honestly, it would be a dream to just up and leave Arcadia Bay and hope to go wherever you land is a much more interesting and accepting place than this shithole. “I’m sure there is a lot of places out there that aren’t like Arcadia Bay, in terms of compassion and friendliness.” With a hum of acknowledgement, he thinks to where he would want to go if he had the chance to leave Arcadia. “I think I’d wanna go somewhere like a big city. Living in a small place like Arcadia Bay kinda ruins other small towns for you; like is every other small town like this or is it just exclusively Arcadia? Whatever is the answer, I’d rather not know and live a blissful life in the big city.”


            Warren took in a shaky breath, this all felt so overwhelming admitting this out loud to someone. Someone who could relate to him in a way no one else could. Honestly he wasn't sure how to feel about the whole entire thing. "Arcadia Bay has never felt like home to me...I don't have a place to call home and this town has absolutely nothing for me. I think I'm going to do it...run away from this place. Nothings keeping me here anymore." He shrugged. He would begin to get his stuff packed up later when he had a moment to himself. He would completely wipe his phone clean and flee with what belongings and money he had. Probably change his entire identity just so he can't be found not that the Arcadia Bay police does their job. "Honestly...? Wherever fate takes me. I don't have a set destination in mind. I just want to be as far away from this hell hole as humanly possible. Maybe then I could find someone who could genuinely care for me. Hell even maybe show a sliver of compassion just at least once."