
A nice surprise today - @ContemporaryLit just added Vodka Espresso to their Feminist Lit reading list! Thank you!
          	This may seem like a minor achievement in the grand scheme of things, but as my first completed novel, written during a time when I was still growing up and fleshing out my worldview... I'm proud it was acknowledged as Feminist Lit in 2025 ❤️


@DavidEAnderson100 Don't worry about it :) Honestly I dunno if I am still on twitter haha. Lemme try to reset my password and I'll drop you a DM if it works!


@alcoholandcaffeine Already did(Felt a bit guilty about it tbh, but needs must! If you are still on Twitter I can DM you tomorrow. It 'd nice to catch up.


@DavidEAnderson100 Ooooooofffffff :( Feel free to delete my message over there if you want, then


A nice surprise today - @ContemporaryLit just added Vodka Espresso to their Feminist Lit reading list! Thank you!
          This may seem like a minor achievement in the grand scheme of things, but as my first completed novel, written during a time when I was still growing up and fleshing out my worldview... I'm proud it was acknowledged as Feminist Lit in 2025 ❤️


@DavidEAnderson100 Don't worry about it :) Honestly I dunno if I am still on twitter haha. Lemme try to reset my password and I'll drop you a DM if it works!


@alcoholandcaffeine Already did(Felt a bit guilty about it tbh, but needs must! If you are still on Twitter I can DM you tomorrow. It 'd nice to catch up.


@DavidEAnderson100 Ooooooofffffff :( Feel free to delete my message over there if you want, then


Well, I was looking forward to the ONC prompts this year, but they seem a little heavy on magic-library stuff, and kinda light on everything else.  I was hoping to revive my vampire fiction with this occasion - we'll see if anything strikes my fancy.
          What about you all? Found anything you like?


@DomiSotto ohhh okay yeah, that was one that I also found interesting, because it might work for my vampires, too, but idk. my vampires seem to be very stubborn lol. thanks for reminding me of it :D


@alcoholandcaffeine the long-winded one that boils down to vampire being bonded to someone who loath them but whose blood tastes so sweet 


@DomiSotto which one is it? I found a few that might work for me, but I'm not really feeling any of my ideas at the moment.


In case anyone is interested, I am currently publishing an extended version of The Spying Cat over on Inkitt.
          The first 3 chapters are the same, chapter 4 is brand new, and a couple more chapters of new content will follow. The story overall remains the same, with 6 to 9k words of new content.
          Check it out, you might like it :)


Hey folks! I've brought Ingrid over to Inkitt, starting with Whiskey Latte! The content hasn't changed so far, but I might do some edits while I reupload the novels over there.
          So if you've read it, or would like to read it, why don't you head over and maybe leave me a review? :D Would be much appreciated! You can find the story on my profile:


obviously you have to replace the (dot) with a . because otherwise WP wouldn't let me share it lol


Erm, so...just as I was contemplating to scrap a big chunk of Lex Sacrata and rewrite it with an ebemies-to-lovers conflict instead...I was notified that the story was apparently passed on to Wattpad staff for further consideration, lol.
          I'm still at odds on how exactly to continue it, but this is a nice little boost to have! Maybe it'll help me get back in the groove and figure out what I really wanna do with this story. If you've read and enjoyed it so far, I would love to have your feedback ❤️


@SunKatt awwww ❤️ I do agree, though, their friendship is really sweet! You'll be happy to know I've had another think about it and decided to leave it as is, I would have had to change too many things to fit in that conflict and I didn't want to rewrite the whole story. 


@alcoholandcaffeine it’s not that I’m not a fan of that but I like the way the Queen and Elliot( sorry if that’s  wrong) are already friends and he likes her, it’s sweet. Although her head guard is a close second 


Anddddd that's it, 10 chapters, approximately 15k words! They're not great, but it's honest work, lol. If anything, I'm just happy I got to write. So if you've got a moment, maybe you'd like to read ❤️


@alcoholandcaffeine the waiting is the worst part! 


@ElizabethYWells Well done!! Maybe you can work on completing it? I imagine the actual wait, if Wattpad does respond at all, will be longer than end of August.


Chapter 4 of Lex Sacrata just dropped, and I have a note for those of you who have been reading it so far - I realised I've nearly got 15k words written already, so I decided to enter the @justwriteit 10-chapter challenge. That means two things:
          1. I had to reorganize my chapters into 1500-word chunks, to make sure I'll have 10 of them in 15k words. As a result, only the second half of chapter 4 is new content. The rest has not changed, except for minor fillers to smooth out the transitions.
          2. I will have to spam-post the other 6 chapters before the end of the week because I won't have any time afterwards. Quality may not be top-notch.
          If you made it this far - thank you, and check out the story here:


@DomiSotto Thank you!! ❤️❤️


            Congrats on the challenge!!! Rooting for you!