Hold up. If you think about Dumbledore was not the most powerful wizard. Hagrid was. Hagrid has more bas strength and a high magic resistance. Plus, he can cast wordless magic with a broken wand. No one else can do that. Like his wand was snapped in two, and he just uses it. And he does complex spells without saying anything. Hagrid truly could've no diffed the dark lord.
@alek_ackerman Still makes him better then most wizards. Most can only take one or two stunning spells
@TheMothKing Unfortunately his resistance only covers the more base spells such as stunning. Spells like the killing curse or any of the other Unforgiveables would've taken him out the equation instantly. A killing curse from Voldemort would've been instant considering his intent and desire to kill. Its all about intent with those spells. The more you wish to do it, the bigger the effect.