
          	        Readers, today I want to know your perspective about dating. I saw a very cute and handsome boy today.... And now I have a crush on him.... I don't know his name or anything, but he often comes to one of my relatives family functions.... Huuuuhhhh..... 
          	What do I do???!!!! I can't think of anything...??? 


@alenawhite_ladybug that’s sad pls the only people I talk to on my social media is my cousins and BFF


@Joe_mama_sus my family is a little strict and has forbidden me to use any social media account till I reach 12th standard..... It sucks


You should get his Instagram or any social media account to talk to him.


          Sorry for disturbing your scrolling
          Just wanted to say that you're beautiful
          Have a great say wherever you are =)


            np and Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day =)


@Dark_Water_Reflecto that's so sweet! ❤thank u... It means a lot.  And it's great to hear since its my birthday! Only half an hour is left for it to finish, I wish you are happy and smiling where you are, thank u for making my special day nore special  you are a special person for me now❤


Hello you are very swag wanna be friends <3
          It’s completely up to you! If you don’t want to I completely understand.


@Joe_mama_sus  sûre,!!I never say never to friendship gurl!! I hope to talk to you soon
            See ya~


                  Readers, today I want to know your perspective about dating. I saw a very cute and handsome boy today.... And now I have a crush on him.... I don't know his name or anything, but he often comes to one of my relatives family functions.... Huuuuhhhh..... 
          What do I do???!!!! I can't think of anything...??? 


@alenawhite_ladybug that’s sad pls the only people I talk to on my social media is my cousins and BFF


@Joe_mama_sus my family is a little strict and has forbidden me to use any social media account till I reach 12th standard..... It sucks


You should get his Instagram or any social media account to talk to him.


                 I been thinking, should I write daminette oneshots??? I saw a daminette December chat, I liked it. So i am stuck here, in a dalima, should I finish my previous one first or start the daminette oneshots, I won't shut f
          Down my pervious books, it will be updated day to day. Tell me your thoughts on that. 
          Cause my mind is blank. 
          Alenawhite☺ : ) 


@SirihasiniKadali thanks, when it comes out please give me your review. : ) <3


@alenawhite_ladybug you should write i like your writing style : )


@alenawhite_ladybug hey  don't say it like that, we all have our own talents. I know you can write good too. Lets try this together. : ) 


    ....I feel numb, with every thing going on right now...... It's feels like I am invisible. I can't think properly, I have no thoughts. No one understands, what I have been through. What did I do to upset you? All I ever did was listen to you, I changed myself for your wishes, I forget the thing I liked most to do, just to make you happy. I never oppose you, I never asked you for some thing. Why are  you doing this to me? 
                            I am happy to have you. I never thought teenage years are so hard..... It feels like all the happiness you have me all these past years were fake.... Life give us many examples. 
             I guess this is one of them. I cried today, why? 
                   Hmmm....i guess teenage years are being hard, really hard on me.. I am feeling depressed. 
               Truth to be told. I don't have friends, my parents......are both teachers...... They don't even notice...... So it doesn't matter, my brother is 5years smaller than me.... So no chance, grandpa -grandma....... Can tell them..... Don't want them tk get worried, 
          Sister..... She is the only one I can talk too, about anything...... Boys, swearing, even mature things. If you know what I mean...... Actually she is the only thing that keeps me going..... But I think that is only for a short period..... She will leave soon for her studies....... And I guess I will be left alone again.......... I can't even hold myself when she is with me....... How would I will be able to walk when she is gone...... 
                I am thankful to God for giving  me a big sis....... I wish I did never grew up........................ 
          See ya guys, thank for reading my nonsense..... It's just lightens my heart to write things in my head some times....... 
          Goodnight sweet dreams
          (Wish, to get love like this from my family) 
          I feel like i am really being selfish today, aren't i?


@Joe_mama_sus  thanks, you encouragement means a lot to me and yes, it's been better from the past. Thank you for the blessings looks like you also like food.... Welcome on the dark side


@alenawhite_ladybug Hey, I know I’m so late I just saw your profile yesterday. I don’t know what you went through in the past but I hope you don’t feel like that now. I will never understand what it’s like to have a big sister ( I am an indian only child) but I talk to my online older friends like they are my sisters so I guess I know but It will never be the same as having a person like that in real life. And it may feel shitty to have your sister leave you and you want her back it’s completely normal for someone to feel like that don’t say you’re being selfish you’re just don’t want to let go and it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. You can try to always keep contacting her I know it will be hard but you got this bestie! I hope you get all the happiness and food ;) you deserve.


                 I feel so sad and hurt right now. My family is breaking apart. Mt sister, my parents, my grandparents . Everyone is distancing themselves. It feels like in the end I will be the one alone. I am watching this all now, silently. It hurts so much. My lungs protest for air, my throat and chest feels so tight that it hurts. 
                My stomach is churning. I don't know what to do. It feels like my mistake, I am crying in my room. Today I broke. Every fake smile, every facade I made just keep my loved ones happy, my family happy has broke. And there is nothing left. There is no me. 
          It feels like everything is ripped away from me. Leaving nothing. 


I am sorry that everything is so hard for you at home. Sends hugs...


@SummerCheng37 I don't think there is much to do now. I think there is no hope now. My sister will be gone in the end of this year. And I will lose the only support I had. It's is happening very fast... My sister told me to ignore the things at home. Or it will effect my grades. 
            It's getting difficult every day. Everyday, someone says something and a huge storm blew up.......... I am tired, truly tired........ I don't know what to do. I don't have many friends to encourage me.. I just......... Want some silence......... Some peacefulness........... Just something that makes me believe...........' Yes there is a little hope'...... 'Yes there won't be amy problem'....... 'Everything will be okay'....... I just want one day, in which I can get up in the morning and say to my self.......... 'I am okay' . 


 !!!     -, ' ' '     '     '  .            ,             '   . 
              ,  . 


@alenawhite_ladybug thank upi very much the next chapter will come out hopefully. 
            ..  Please keep reading


@alenawhite_ladybu hey guys, I would like for you to read it, hope you like it. 


Do you guys know how it feels to travel out country because honestly I've never even boarded a plane. Except an online one


@paminette101 oh I will search it some time. Thks for telling me


It's really small, like very small on the map of the world, it's a dot


            Well I live in a country called Uganda


Hello guys!!! 
                                 So today I am very happy , cause I got a really sweet message from one of my favorite follower. 
          I am very happy to talk to her, and I hope we keep in touch, I am also requesting my other followers and friends, if you need to talk or want some advice  you can text me. I will really happy to help. 
          And yeah
          @paminette101 I will be genuinely happy to talk to you again. Thank you all❤❤❤❤
                                 Love~ alenawhite☺


@alenawhite_ladybug (❁´◡`❁)(❁´◡`❁)o(〃^▽^〃)o


Me too. Peace ☮️