Hi childs...

I'm very much addicted to Hamilton. I love it so much. WHO DOESN'T LOVE IT?! Anyway, I enjoy writing, reading, drawing and creating art, and acting. If you ever want me to draw or write something, I'll take requests anytime (and I'll give ya credit😁). Stay safe! I love you guys!!!!
Your invisible author,


Btw Addie is just a nickname, my name is too hard to pronounce for anyone and everyone.

now playing:

1:05 ───|────── 2:08
|◁ II ▷|

volume: ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100 %

mind: LAFAYETTE! iM tAkInG tHiS hOrSe By ThE rEiNs MaKiNg ReDcOaTs ReDdEr WiTh BlOoD sTaInS!!!

/ \
This is Bob the Titan. Bob says hello.
Copy and paste him everywhere you can.
Soon he will take over the world.

|..............| Put this on your
|..............| page if you've
|........... o| ever pushed a
|..............| door that said pull.

Ok guys this is serious and it's no joke. Black lives matter. They matter so much. Be kind to everyone you see and stand up for what's right. 🖤🖤
  • rįčhãrd røgërß thē@têr
  • InscritAugust 3, 2020

Dernier message

Histoires par alholtze
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Just random stuff
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The Route to the 1700s
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Yup, I got tagged
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