Live by this: The girl you just called fat? She is over dosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. Put this as you're profile if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont put this on your profile, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will. ~Think before you act/speak
Hay guys it's Alice. I think being your self is very important. Gender doesn't matter those people who are against homosexuals I think you should just get over your self. As long as you are happy what everyone else thinks doesn't matter.
I like
The maze runner
The fault in our stars
And lodes othersc
  • In your mum. No just kidding
  • EntrouSeptember 20, 2014

Última mensagem
alicecooke alicecooke Jan 11, 2016 10:55PM
Lovers of the hobbit I just published. A new story called Alexandra Mayfair's story. Go check it out. 
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Histórias de alice cooke
City of raging rivers, de alicecooke
City of raging rivers
A novella on The Mortal Instruments From Jonathan Christopher Morgernstern POV This is a series of books of...
ranking #746 em jace Ver todos os rankings
Alexandra Mayfair's story's, de alicecooke
Alexandra Mayfair's story's
this is the story of alexandra mayfair. Her father was abusive cruel and a traitor. this is a story of alice...
ranking #533 em kili Ver todos os rankings
My dream, de alicecooke
My dream
Hay guys this is my 2nd story and again it's on the mortal instruments but on clary after city of heavenly f...
ranking #375 em dramatic Ver todos os rankings
2 listas de leitura
