

as I person who was born with learning difficulties and was diagnosed when I was born to find out that I have learning difficulties.
          I hate hate the word "disability" and "disabilities" to say as a group word to all learning difficulties and physical difficulties.
          like ok if you got a physical thing like you are in a wheelchair or has something to help you walk etc then I can get behind that but to called basically all learning difficulties physically / not physical "disabilities" is kind of wrong and shouldn't be a common thing.
          ok if you are blind or can't really see or have difficulty seeing or hearing etc then that is different.
          also I grew up with different people with different learning difficulties physically / not physically so.
          also if you have trouble talking or can't talk then I can understand that and this above doesn’t apply to you or your career's.


why just why youtube. 
          now on youtube , if you got your subscriber's on new activity. it won't show the new activity on the subscription tab so it basically doesn't show the blue tab thing to show you there is a new video on the circle profile pic anymore. 
          well on my youtube app it doesn't anymore.
          I am on a android phone and yes my app is updated. 
          so if anyone knows what I am talking about and if anyone got any tips or helpful advice I welcome it down below.