
Just saw the New Monster Hunter Wilds cutscenes and man . The story is so dope. 


I appreciate the support, friend


@alvinillo67 I hope so to because I love what I do, and someone like you taking the time to read and enjoy what I contribute means the world to me.


@GuyverBoi Don't worry about it, I like your story, and I hope you can continue to make more stories.


Just saw the new Helluva Boss episode "Mastermind," and it was epic!!!
          Finally, we have the designs for The Seven Deadly Sins.
          Leviathan: looks pretty interesting with her two heads 
          Belphegor: she seems like a pretty  chill person ( could be because she's to busy sleeping or being stoned )
          We got to see more Goetia demons.
          Stolas song was pretty awesome, I'm definitely going to put it on repeat for a long while.