
ive been so inactive here, im sorry


Merry Christmas! Happy New Year <3
          I hope that this next year would be a truly special change for u, I truly do.
          However... This won't happen unless YOU change YOURSELF to change your SURROUNDINGS.
          Ofc, there will still be what we cannot control. Things will always come your way no matter what you say or do; Good & bad things, expected & unexpected things.
          But surely, there will always be HELP lent out for you. By a person or something else. But it is always YOU who helps YOURSELF.
          So it is completely YOUR choice, but this choice is also completely for YOU ❤️


Hello fellow book lovers! 
          I hope u don't mind me reaching out. I'm excited to share my debut book with u! I'd be honored if u'd give it a try. Ur feedback means the world to me. If u enjoy the book, please consider leaving a review, voting, nd sharing ur thoughts with me.
          Thank u so much for ur time, nd I look forward to hearing from u...! 


@writingsbyavika Hey<3 If ur looking for ways to promote ur book, check out Nexus, You are invited to Join, join Nexus thro @LoveofTheCursed <3