
I'm torn between posting two books. I need your help guys. Should I post a light hearted theme or a mature themed story? Hmm... >_<


Yehey! Another story completed! :D
          I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you so much for reading.
          Also, I want to give special mention to my avid reader on this particular story, @Segimi45 Thank you so much for your support. :*
          See you in the next story guys!


@Segimi45 Wow! Have you tried reading my story about him? Maybe you will also like it. Next time I make a story about him, I'll make sure to use your name if you will alow. Hehehe, that's how I make stories, I ask my friends if they want to be part of it. ^_^ it's inspiring though.


@Segimi45  you're welcome ^_^ Who is your bias bdw?


OMG! I can't believe I've been a fan of SHINee for 8 years already starting 2013!!! :)
          And as a group, they stayed together for 13 whole years!!! Happy Happy Anniversary to SHINee and Shawols all over the world! Chukahae to us! :D
          P.S. I am planning on making another Taemin story (I have existing one already that's not posted yet because I don't have a cover yet. Hahaha), but I don't have an FL yet, so if anyone wants to be featured, please let me know. :D


Comment here or message me  juseyo! :D


Hello everyone. How's 2021 so far? I hope you still remember me.  It's been a long while and I had to reread some of my stories again so I can remember and continue the ones that are still ongoing.  Thank you so much for all the support. Rereading your comments give me more motivation to start writing again. Gomawo jeongmal.  I hope you will still continue supporting me. ❤️


Annyeong haseyo!
          So I am posting another story, Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary.
          I'm trying to venture into mixing another culture in my story. Hopefully, you'll like it though. *crossing fingers*
          P.S. I would appreciate if you can leave some comments as the story progress. Hahaha.