So for those who don’t know the submersible was a thing that was supposed to find and look at the Titanic. Well, approximately 1 hours and 45 minutes in the people operating lost connection. They had oxygen that could last up to 96 hours. People reported banging sounds coming from a debris field. Making that sound was the hall from the submersible. There were five people in total 4 adult men and 1 child. So a mother has lost their child and husband ( or husband has lost his husband and child ) I don’t know how old the child was, but I will look into it. Well earlier today they have been reported deceased ( dead ). Because the ship had been destroyed and the oxygen lasts 96 hours and they were gone longer than that could hold up. They were around 1,600 feet away from a part of the Titanic. This was a tragic incident indeed and I have wishes to the families that they get better of this tragic loss. I will keep you updated as much as possible!