Step one in the rewrite: rereading what I wrote. Into the Night is a nonstop series of rewrites of a story I wrote when I was about sixteen. There's elements of chapters I subtracted years ago and frankly I've lost journals, writing apps, and tons of notes since then.
I'm both proud of myself in some spaces and utterly confused in others. Parts still make me laugh. Those were jokes I wrote for myself when I had like one friend and that friend had a social life. The confusing parts are... Parts I can tell were supposed to have branching chapters and damn... at one point I was gonna write a spin-off? I can tell I left room for a brief introduction that was supposed to be that cute "ohhhhhh I remember him from the last book!" moment.
Needless to say it's an excavation trying to find where I left off in this story. It's basically a patchwork of story ideas reaching back to nearly a decade.
I'm gonna try to update in batches rather than chapter by chapter because at a certain point it will make all the chapters no longer coincidence. More along the lines of a rewrite than a strong edit.