Many people will walk in and
Out of your life,
But only true friends
Will leave footprints in your heart.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
LisaTerence #lovedaymovement@majesticincawards
Beauty is beyond body image, Beauty is from inside out. Don't let what others say get to you, you are beautiful, you are amazing. And most of all, you are you!
Majestic Inc #LoveDayMovement
Everything you need to accomplish your goals is already in you
Hi, sorry I couldn’t reply earlier. I love your book. For a person who had to go through bullying at some point in life, I could connect to the book really well
Hii thank u for adding my book to your reading list. Please do let me know your feedback on the same.
Eagerly awaiting your comments! ;)
Have a good day and happy Diwali !!