• انضمNovember 7, 2015


قصص بقلم stampy, danisnotonfire, amazingphil, shane dawason, game grumps, sqaishey, dantdm
Lexie And Lyric بقلم amypondgymmst
Lexie And Lyric
A story about two amazing friends. But one day they go on the adventure of a life time
Harmony Souh بقلم amypondgymmst
Harmony Souh
This is about the famous host club members daughter, tamaki, After tamakis wifes death, Harmony there adopted...
True Love (Sqampy) بقلم amypondgymmst
True Love (Sqampy)
beth and joe (stampy and sqaishey) are going to Disney land but 3 days before there friend David gets horribl...