
          	awwww thanks :D you made my day now I feel so awesome lol. My books are so not better then urs...i just read a couple paragraphs and its really, really good :) thanks for the comment girl, stay epic  ;)


I LURRRRVE your works! (No, seriously I would have added another 100+  "R's" if it meant not posting a huge comment without a lot of content) so, I was wondering, could I make some covers for your cover-less works?


@mimi589 For sure. I messaged you my email <3


so, can i email you the covers?


@mimi589 That means a lot girl thanks :D I'm totally a crap artist so anything would be appreciated! Let me know if you find any time because I seriously need to get some covers up
            Live long and Prosper


          ...That has to be... one of the most amazing bios... ever... :DDDDDDD I like all random peeps. I'm no aspiring writer either, but I bet your books are better than mine. You just seem... Awesome. Dude. I don't tell that to just anyone. I just read your bio and I'm like, "This person ROCKS..." 


I. Am. Sorry in advance....but I think i'm ditching wattpad for a while. First of all, it keeps spamming my email. And I am dumb so I can't turn it off. Plus, I just can't keep up my writing and I guess i'm going to be a fail just like EVERYTHING THAT I DO ARGHHH And not finish A SINGLE BEEFING BOOK THAT I WRITE. mprhghhghg. Again, i'm sorry, but I wont be on wattpad for a while. or like, ever if I forget about it.... :/ Anyways, message me on facebook @Michelle so Swell if you miss me so much that you must hear the sound of my cyber voice. Which you will because i'm awesome. Bye my Silly Radagasts :D