Anybody needing a really AMAZING author to follow/stalk??? Check out @arvelliot. Seriously. Do it. Start with his book The Dragon Chase, and fall in love with his characters. You'll want to stay for the rest of his tales of the everburning city. Currently that would be Burning Night and Bitter Cold Truth (in progress). You'll be captivated by the world he's created. I see the Spire in my dreams, people!!! Why are you still here reading this post?! Go on! Shoo! Go check him out. You can thank me later. Or you can just lose yourselves in his works. I'm fine either way....now go!!!!

@angelmlee83 lol. I was the first person to read his book in a day and give him a shout out (which made him scream like a girl. :L) so I know what you mean. As soon as you visualise the world, my brain keeps it as a story to remember.