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f**k wattpad for removing "inactive" accounts, now this place looks even more barren and sad. for those still here, i haven't forgotten you❤️ been silently creepin' and writing every day. i'm at a point where i think i can throw this chapter out just to get it to you and hopefully reignite the spark n whatnot :') i'm thinkin once stranger things 5 promo and stuff starts, it'll get more active n fun on here again. that's what i'm hoping for anyway. until then, i'll be hanging in. hope everyone is doing well and taking care of yourselves❤️ xx

Definitely less activity and it’s such a shame! It was nice speaking to people, comments on stories that would make me laugh for hours! I just keep writing hoping it reaches at least one person ❤️

I also bop on here from time to time when not on tumblr and I noticed that today too it just seemed more sad.. hope you are doing well as well!