Hi! I know some of you who've read Fatal Attraction are waiting for an update, and I really hate the fact that I can't stay committed to a book—it's not something I deliberately choose to do. Writing Fatal Attraction has proven to be difficult because I put myself in a position where everything, each chapter, is planned to a T. I did the same with Dependence, but for Fatal Attraction, it's something I shouldn't have done.
I put this insane amount of pressure on myself to have longer chapters (2500-3500) words, and when I don't reach that, I get so anxious that it isn't enough and people wouldn't like my work. I also put this narrative, that each chapter has to represent both of my characters equally, hence alternating the points of view. Still, it's becoming difficult to write chapters since there are some days (in the book) where that character won't really be doing anything, and having the chapter in their point of view would just be a waste—in my opinion.
So, for now, I'm going to unpublish Fatal Attraction for the third time (yes, I'm sorry) and re-work the first few chapters. I'll still write, don't worry, you guys have the One-Shot book that I'll try to update regularly. I also have another story coming your way, so stay tuned for that one.
Hoping you guys understand!
all my love,