
woah hi guys!! wanted to say thank you so much for the growing support on my stories, mainly my phan one. 
          	regarding that, i wanted to say something. 
          	i wrote this story at like, 12 years old, and i have grown much since then and understand much more about writing now. while it’s growing popular, it’s not even my best writing, and also quite inaccurate regarding the depression references. i should have done research as i am not depressed, and it still looms over me how awful i did with it. 
          	i just wanted to say thank you again for the growing support. almost 1k votes and over 30k views. ❤️


Hello, I’m Windy. I have started writing a oneshot book for Harry Potter characters. It’s not very good, but if I could comment on your story about it, that would be great. If not, I totally understand. If you do let me, I will leave a reminder for people to go and read your Harry Potter oneshots book. Again, I understand if you would like me not to, but I would appreciate it all the same. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day (or night if you live somewhere else). 


omg hi i’ve just logged back into my wattpad after... a long time as you can tell. please please do! i would love for people to read your work. i hope you see this!! <3 


woah hi guys!! wanted to say thank you so much for the growing support on my stories, mainly my phan one. 
          regarding that, i wanted to say something. 
          i wrote this story at like, 12 years old, and i have grown much since then and understand much more about writing now. while it’s growing popular, it’s not even my best writing, and also quite inaccurate regarding the depression references. i should have done research as i am not depressed, and it still looms over me how awful i did with it. 
          i just wanted to say thank you again for the growing support. almost 1k votes and over 30k views. ❤️


wait, 200 votes and 7k reads on my phan story? that’s nuts! i love you all so much and i love all the support. it actually means the world to me and i wish i could reply to every comment with love and detail, just know you all mean the world to me