Coming Soon: The Holiday Awards
Hey are those jingle bells I hear coming around the corner? They must be because last I checked, the wintery Holiday season is arriving sooner than you may think. It won't be long before we're all swimming in Christmas presents, lighting our candles, and/or eating our grapes.
With these wonderful festivities creeping around the corner, the Universal Writing Community will be hosting a Holiday themed contest, starting on December 1st, 2021; 12:00 AM EST.
Preparations for the contest such as choosing new/old judges, setting awards, creating new graphics, and of course gaining more contestants will begin soon. (Date is to be decided.)
After our first Awards, I noticed a lot of kinks and issues - specifically with judging - that will be fixed for this new contest. With a better understanding on how we want to run these competitions there will be many changes in this year's competition so I highly suggest that you follow these updates in our "UWC Announcements."
More information will be posted soon, so be on the lookout.
Hope to see you again in December!
Co-founder of The UWC