Music is life, Music is pure, Music is medicine, Music is freedom, Music is magical, Music is amazing, because Music is, and will always be, everything. 

Hello there, i'm Annas. A 14-year-old boy who loves music way too much for his own good.

Lived a pretty messy life, but good things comes to those who waits, right?

Always an HTTYD fan and a big supporter for HiccStrid.

- Never give up on your dreams. They are the best things in your life, because your dreams, are always amazing.

- Never ruin someone else's dreams, it might be the only thing they all have left.

- Life is too short to be stressed out and holding back everything. Let go everything and spell them out just enough to enjoy your life.

- Life only comes once, and comes with a limited time, so put those to good use. Take moments that took your breath away.

- Love is nothing to be messed around and played with, it's fragile and delicate, handle them carefully and give them to those who cares, waits, and stayed, for you.

- Love is the most powerful thing in Life, and even more powerful with Music. And when those 3 things are there, then you are one of the luckiest human being in this whole wide world.

- And with those being said, Love the Music of your Life, it's an ongoing thing and won't stop or repeat itself, cause each one is very unique from one another.

- You make your own choices, you pick your own path, you build your own future, and only you is the one who can make all of it comes true. Follow your heart, wherever it goes, and pick up the little things along the way, both lessons and blessings.

Annas Rizki Kurnia
  • JoinedFebruary 21, 2015