My 2nd wisdom teeth is coming & it's paining like hell but the first one didn't pain at all whyyy. I thought the 2nd one will not pain too... Now everyone is saying to me "kon bol rha tha mere ko to dard hi ni hota"
My 2nd wisdom teeth is coming & it's paining like hell but the first one didn't pain at all whyyy. I thought the 2nd one will not pain too... Now everyone is saying to me "kon bol rha tha mere ko to dard hi ni hota"
Too much sleepy but icannotgetridofwashingutensilshuhnomatterihadmylunchornotitsmydutylikerealyitishuhwhocaresletsdoitquicklythenwilldirectlylandtomydreamlandahhhhhhthisfuckingsummerihateittotgecoreofmyheart
Ahhhhh..... Why some authores leave theie stories in middle and readers like me suffer from overthing about further happening in that incomplete story!!! This is so trusferiting... I'm trusferated (with big tears in eyes emoji)