Thank you for checking out my page :) 
I like to write stories, i cannot promise that they are any good. But feel free to check them out anyway and let me know what you think :)
  • InscritJuly 6, 2018

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anonymous9314 anonymous9314 Jul 13, 2019 08:31AM
Hey guys I'm back! I had to take time away for personal reasons! I shall catch up on all my favourite stories and then work on mine. Hopefully i havent left it too late and nobody csres about my stor...
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Histoires par anonymous9314
Where do we go from here par anonymous9314
Where do we go from here
It's been two years since everything that happened in city of heavenly fire. Im not really sure what to wri...
ranking #436 dans la catégorie tmi Voir tous les classements
The bone Chandelier par anonymous9314
The bone Chandelier
a quick one shot. of the bone Chandelier, club scene in the book, but with the twist of clary being under t...
Easy is the decent par anonymous9314
Easy is the decent
my take on 3b, just a little something to get me by untill 3b airs. I've never written a fanfic before so so...
ranking #476 dans la catégorie simonlewis Voir tous les classements
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