• انضمApril 7, 2019


قصص بقلم antisepticeye20
You and me adamb99xlena بقلم antisepticeye20
You and me adamb99xlena
Lena adores Adam and one day she bumpes into him while he's doing a challenge with callum whatever you can ca...
Adopted by jacksepticeye بقلم antisepticeye20
Adopted by jacksepticeye
I always thought my orphanage was nice until mrs mumble invited her brother around to look after us but litt...
I don't dance (hsm)(*chadxryan*) بقلم antisepticeye20
I don't dance (hsm)(*chadxryan*)
After Ryan seduces chad through the song 'i don't dance'the did things which caused a catastrophic thing thei...
3 قوائم قراءة